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Waldwick Public Library
Library Hours
Monday-Thursday 10-9
Friday-Saturday 10-5
Sunday Closed
Drop-In Passport Hours
Monday-Thursday 5:15-8:00
Saturday 10:15-4:00​
Exhibit Guidelines
The Waldwick Public Library is pleased to offer local artists and collectors the opportunity to display their work for the community’s enjoyment. Exhibit space is open to individuals and organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities. Exhibit periods are to be arranged with the library director.
Gallery Space
21 linear feet equipped with a Walker art hanging system. Click here for exhibit guidelines.
Display Case
Locked display case featuring safety glass on three sides and recessed interior lighting. Dimensions: 78.5" H x 36" W x 16" D
Hours & Admission
Exhibits will be available for viewing during regular library hours.
No admission will be charged. Exhibits will be open to viewing by the general public.
Security and Insurance
The Waldwick Public Library is released from any liability that may result from theft of or damage to an exhibit, in whole or in part, while on display at the library. Artists and collectors presenting exhibitions shall provide their own insurance coverage.
Publicity and Promotion
The library will announce exhibits to the local press four weeks in advance of the opening of the exhibit. Artists/collectors shall provide handouts in bulk for the public, listing the works, prices, and contact information. Collectors shall provide descriptive signage to accompany their collections in the display case.
Installation and Removal
Paintings must be framed. Photographs and works on paper must be matted. Artists and collectors will install and remove their own exhibits. Please plan to install the exhibit on the first day of the month and to pack and remove it on the last day of the month. The library has no storage facility for artists’/collectors’ property. Upon installation, please deliver to library director a typed schedule of items including price (if items are for sale), medium, size, or any other appropriate description.
Exhibits will be accepted based upon artist’s skills and quality of work, adherence to any statement of theme, and adequacy of the library’s facilities. The Exhibit Committee meets quarterly to review applications.
If you would like to use the library's exhibit space, please click here for an application.
For further information, please contact the library director.
Thank you for offering to enhance the Waldwick Public Library with your exhibit.
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