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Waldwick Public Library
Monday-Thursday 10-9
Friday-Saturday 10-5
Sunday Closed
Friends of the Waldwick LibraryHome Delivery Policy
Friends of the Waldwick Library’s home delivery program brings library materials to residents of Waldwickwith valid library cards,who are unable to leave their home due to illness, disability, or other qualifying circumstance. Each request for service is assessed on a case-by-case basis.The guidelines for this program are as follows:
1.WaldwickLibrarywill loana variety of print and non-print materials including books, large print books, audio books, music CDs, movies or magazines to Waldwick residents throughthis service.The Library has the right to restrict the format and any titles requested based on availability.
2. Loan periods for materials are the same as for other users. Renewals will be allowed for WaldwickLibraryitemsthat are not on hold for someone else and are not from new collections. Renewals will be allowed on books borrowed from other libraries in accordance with the owning library’s lending policies.
3. Because recipients of this service receive and return library materials based upon the homedelivery schedule, no overdue fines will be chargedif items are returned within 2days of their due date. However, participants are responsible forall items checked out on their library cards and will be charged a fee for any lost or damaged items.
4.Home delivery patronsmay choose their own books, music, and movies if they wish. Using the online catalog, patrons can order materials online or call in their requests andthey will be ordered. For those with internet access, downloadable content is available at all times.
5. Patrons receiving homebound services must provide a safe and appropriate environment for volunteers. Sidewalks must be clear of ice, snow and other dangerous environmental elements. Pets must be kept under control and pose no danger of interaction with the volunteer.
6. Home Delivery volunteers are not allowed to “visit” with those requesting materials. Volunteers are scheduled to pick-up and deliver materials and timely completion of their task is noted by library staff.
7. If at any point a volunteer deems delivery or pick-up of materials unsafe, delivery will be postponed.
To Schedule delivery or pick-up please call the circulation desk at 201-652-5104.
Approved By Friends of the Waldwick Library on November 23, 2015
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